We never imagine we will face this day. None of us realize that our first meeting long time ago in Junior High School was an Allah’s plan for our future. We met, we knew our name, but we never officially acquainted each other moreover started a short conversation. All we can do was just sharing smile and shy.

Time flies. Life works in his miraculous way so we accidentally meet again after being separate in a long time and make a friendship-relationship and, voila, awaiting our greatest day, the day we will declare our new life to build an eternal partnership as a husband and wife.

So, with our humbleness, we ask you to pray for us so we can be a faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Pray for us to honor and respect our weird habits or hobbies (especially on hecticism on Hello Kitty and Arsenal), our favorite music and food and most of all to support our dreams and to cherish each other as long as we both shall live.

So, in the name Allah let our new adventure begin.


Categories: Personal


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